This is a story that I wrote about Rob and Chip. They are two friends that are really more like brothers, and this story is about how the Love of God became the most important thing in their lives. This story was born out of the teachings I have been sharing on my videos and my blogs on the Love of God. I use this story so that hopefully we, as His sons and daughters, can take a fresh new look at who God is and how He really feels about His creation. How He truly cares about every detail of our lives if we allow Him to be in charge. We as His children can begin to dream again, but not only dream, but to see those dreams manifest when we totally depend on Him as a Father. Rob and Chip are learning to really connect with God in a special way. Sure, there are ups and downs, but they both come to know as a reality how God is interested in them. Not only are they learning how to connect with God, but they are also learning that they do not have to settle for a mediocre, boring life or just receive what life throws at them; but they can depend on His grace and forgiveness. Yes, sometimes He works out His plan in our lives, in a way that causes us to take pause, or even question why He chose to work in a certain direction: but truly it can also can be exciting at the same time, that is, if we allow Him to unfold His plans for us in His unique and all knowing way.
You will see what happens when Chip tries to handles his own decisions, when he uses the Internet Services to find a girlfriend, and how God uses Rob to help Chip see that he is starting out on the wrong foot. Not to say that the Internet cannot be a tool to for meeting good people and having good results; but Chip was not taking heed to certain signs, and Rob helped through God’s Love to steer him in the right direction. He also shares with Chip what God’s word says about relationships and tells him of the meetings him and Beth, his wife, were attending, taught by Pastor Mike. He shared that they were learning about the Love of God not only in their personal walks with Him but also their marriage and there resolve to build their marriage on the word of God. He tells Chip that if God created this wonderful institution of marriage, then he could certainly show them how to build a strong bond together. And they were coming to know how magical that bond could be and that they found themselves striving for it.
Many of you that read this story may be skeptical, asking yourself, “Is it truly possible to have this kind of bond and relationship?” Yes, it is truly possible! God wants to be involved in every part of our lives and wants to bless us with successful marriages and relationships through His Love. Yes, I am here to tell you the truth that the Love of God, not the natural kind of love, but His true Love, can change your life forever if you allow it to. Now does that mean you become passive and think that just going to a few meetings on the love of God will magically change your marriage? No, my friends, you have to work at relationships and practice the Love of God. Not only practice it but find out everything you can about it and put it into action. As Christians, Rob and Chip know that they must be a doer of the Word of God and not only a hearer to get results. They also know hearing without action is useless and passive and bears little or no results. Being passive in the natural never brings real change to any area of your life whether it is in your business, playing sports, relationships, or marriage. Rob and Chip are finding this to be so in their lives. Their pastor will stir them to remember what I John 4:7-8 says: He that loveth God knoweth God, for God is Love. He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is Love.
As we move along in the story I will present an Outline from Gods word that, if followed, will bring results to anyone who dares to believe. I will use Pastor Mike as the one who will bring these wonderful messages and guidelines, created for those in his church. Pastor Mike realizes that there are far too many couples in his church that are struggling in their relationships; and over the years he has counseled far too many couples that ended up in divorce. As a pastor, he knew something more had to happen to stop this epidemic. After much prayer, Pastor Mike, with the help of his wife Kate, decided to start a Friday night class to teach specifically on the Love of God. Little did they know that it would lead to some wonderful ideas that included a special night created for the couples, where they could dress up in their best, and attend a fancy banquet with dancing – but it would be tasteful dancing (like the waltz). Pastor Mike and his wife felt this would bring the couples face to face with each other, with hopes they would feel that special bond they once had; to work through their indifference and to discover their love for each another again.
He also invites those that are single to join in on these meetings because there are far too many who are straying in their search for a Christian partner and far too many using alternate ways to meet the opposite sex. Many are looking for a mate on Internet Services, and finding out that there are few Christians in the mix.
After the special nights, Pastor and Kate find out through some feedback that they should have some classes on how to approach the opposite sex. They realize that single guys want to move to quickly and their approach is awkward and pushy.
Also, Kate is seeing women trying to reach guys by dressing to much like the world; revealing far too much skin. She will try to help theses single ladies see that is the world’s way of doing things and teach them modesty. But as she begins to teach these classes, Kate will find out how handicapped these ladies really are.
I believe that through the stories I have written and outline I am going to create, it will allow churches to adopt this and use it for their congregations. As we witness that the time is so short, few are ready or anticipating the coming of the Lord. It is imperative that couples start working on their broken relationships, because people and families are what God is interested in. He is not interested in building programs and entertainment, but healing hearts and relationships. The time is far spent, and we are living in a serious time where hate, violence, and sin have taken over; and we see that many are falling away in our churches. We, as Christian leader’s and Christians as a whole, need to recommit our lives to Christ and see the Church made whole and prepare to meet the Lord in his return. Amen! And Amen!