I went to bed and fell asleep pretty much when my head hit the pillow. I did not set my alarm but my internal alarm went off. It is hard to sleep in, when you are used to getting up at 6:00 AM every morning. I put my coffee on, slipped on my house shoes, and grabbed the morning paper that was lying in my front yard. I read the stats on all the football scores; and, as I went to get dressed for the gym to work out, my cell phone rang. I picked it up and heard, “Hello, Son, what are you doing?”
Chip: “Mom! It so good to hear from you! Are you and dad doing ok?”
Mom: “Yes we are ok, but your dad and I were talking this morning and both agreed that if we did not call you, we simple wouldn’t hear from you.”
Chip: “Mom, I am so ashamed. I let time get away from me, and I was just recently sharing with my girlfriend how short time is and that I needed to have better habits of checking in with you and dad.”
Mom: “Well, good for Cindy goading you on to call! You need a woman in your life. We have been praying for you to find the love of your life, like what your father and I have.”
Chip: “Well, Mom, Cindy and I broke it off.”
Mom: “What? Why? The last time we spoke with you, I got the impression that you felt very strongly about her. So what happened; and who’s the girlfriend you are talking about then?”
Chip: “Mom! You are not going to believe this but my girlfriend’s name is Jimmie Sue.”
Mom and Dad both chimed in, “Jimmie Sue!?” “Hi, Dad”, I replied. Apparently, Dad had picked up the other line.
Chip: “Yes, Jimmie Sue, and I can’t take the time to tell you how I met her and what has transpired over the phone because it will simple take too long. I was going to call you and let you know what had happened to Cindy. She is not a Christian, and I am. I knew better than to start this relationship, and the day we had our baseball play-off, Rob helped me to realize that. She had already started backing off, and I was hurt by it. But after talking to Rob, I saw he was right. We were headed down two completely different paths. I knew I would have to finalize it and break it off and let her go, but before I had time to tell her she was in this awful accident.”
Mom and Dad gasped and asked if she was okay.
Chip: “Yes, it was an awful accident. Three cars were involved, and the injuries she received were horrible.”
I then shared some of the details.
Chip: “The others two drivers involved suffered a few injuries and were released a week or so after the accident. She is still in the hospital but healing nicely. I will tell you all the details when you guys come for Christmas. You are still coming for Christmas?”
Mom and Dad: “Well”, chiming in at the same time, “we were hoping you would come this way for a change.”
Chip: “Oh, please come this way this Christmas, and I promise I will come your way the next time. I just met this girl and told her I couldn’t wait until she met you guys. I am hoping to be married by next Christmas and come your way.”
Mom and Dad: “Oh! Ok, Son! Really for sure, you think you will be married by then?”
Chip: “That is what is in my heart; but first, Jimmie Sue and I will have to tell you how God brought us together. I promise it is going to be more than just the holidays that will make for rejoicing.”
Dad spoke up saying, “Ok, we will come your way again this Christmas, but we expect you to keep your word and come our way the following Christmas.”
Chip: “I will! I promise, if God’s willing.”
I can’t believe it is already the 5th of November and I need to get my holiday shopping done. I told them I was sorry, but needed to get going. They bid me goodbye, and we ended the call. I couldn’t ask for a better or more perfect time for them to call. It was another piece falling into place that I had planned on doing.
I got dressed and headed to the gym. I was thrilled Rob was already at the gym working out. I couldn’t wait to share with him.
Chip: “Hey, Rob, I was wondering if you were going to get to come today.”
He gave me a fist pump and told me he had just arrived about 15 minutes before I got there.
Rob: “How are things going, bro?”
Chip: “You just won’t believe it, Rob!”
I started telling him about Cindy’s recovery and all the things that transpired. I told him I was so grateful for him and Beth’s prayers and shared how she asked forgiveness for the way she acted toward me. I told him how the Lord had visited her while she was sedated, and she knew I was praying for her. I told her I wasn’t the only one praying for her; but, many at our Church, including you and Beth, had been praying for her. She told me to thank everyone.
Rob: “Wow! That is awesome! She actually admitted you guys were not meant for each other and asked for your forgiveness? Well, I give her credit for stepping up like that. You are also going to have a great testimony to share with the congregation Sunday.”
Chip: “Yeah! Our prayers prevailed, Rob! She was even open to the Lord, and I was able to lead her to Christ.”
Rob: “No way! And you led her to the Lord too?
Chip: “Yep! Could things be any more complete in the Lord?”
Rob: “I would say not! How are things going with you and Jimmie Sue?”
Chip: “Well, that was the next thing I was going to share.”
I shared how her car broke down last night and how she ended up not going in to work and how we got to spend the evening sharing over dinner.
Chip: “It was so good, Rob. I am looking forward to bringing her over for a visit, and us being able to share with you and Beth. But I will have to allow God to work all this out.”
Rob: “Yes, we both are looking forward to having you over. And you know the girls? They keep bugging us about when you were going to come for a visit. I keep telling them it will be soon. You may have to drop by for a bit if it’s going to be a while before Jimmie Sue comes with you. I do not know if we can hold them off much longer.”
Chip: “I will. But you know my address. Come by one evening, and we can all go for ice cream. I miss my little cuties too. Getting back to sharing with you about Jimmie Sue, she went to her boss Jerry and told him she was going to cut back on some of her hours so she could start having a life beyond her crazy schedule. She also told him she had fallen for me, and it was pretty bad when she couldn’t even have a minute to be able to schedule a date with me. I tell you Rob, if I had wings, I know I could fly. The things happening in my life make me feel like the Lord has opened the windows of Heaven on me.”
Rob: “Well tell Him to let those blessings flow over on your friends too, haha!”
Chip: “Yes, Lord, let my friends experience this goodness as well!”
Chip: “I am going to see her again tonight, and I cannot wait.”
Rob: “Well look at you, just moving right along! I am so happy for you, Chip. Beth and I have been praying for you. The night of the accident when you called us, we heard such sadness in your voice it broke our hearts; so Beth and I began to pray you would find a woman made for you. I know you are ready to settle down and get married, and we know you will make a great dad someday.”
Chip: “Thanks Rob, for you and Beth’s prayers. They are working, obviously. I was going to tell you also, mom and dad called before I left to come to the gym; and they were thrilled I had found a great girl. They wanted me to come to Dallas for Christmas this year, saying it was time for me to come that way; but I told them that I wanted them to meet Jimmie Sue and to spend Christmas together here. I thought it would be more appropriate for them to come this way, with a promise I would go to Dallas next year. I told them I was hoping to marry this girl before next Christmas, and they agreed to my request. Hey, before I forget, do you know anyone at Church that needs a job. Jerry is going to hire someone to take some of the pressure off Jimmie Sue? He knows that she will be moving into her career soon and doesn’t want her to leave him without having a person to step into her place. Jimmie Sue told him she would train someone for him.”
Rob: “I can ask around. Oh, I think Beth’s cousin is looking for a job, so when I get home, I will ask her if she is still available.”
Chip: “That would be great! Call me as soon as you find out, will you?”
Rob: “Yes, of course! I will let you know at Church tomorrow. In fact, you can talk to Beth yourself. Well, bud, this has been a great day and a good workout, but I’ve got to go home. Hopefully Beth has lunch ready. Oh, do you mind if I share your good fortune with Beth?”
Chip: “Please do! After all she has been praying for me too. See you later, and Love ya, Bro!”
Rob gave me another fist pump and side hug as we headed in different directions in the parking lot to our separate cars. It was already 2:30 in the afternoon. I jump into a hot shower, and then I thought I better grab a sandwich and relax for a bit. Afterwards, I planned on going to one of my favorite stores to find me a new outfit for tonight. I sat there thinking of Jimmie Sue and hoped she took time to rest for a while and maybe grab a nap. I was hoping she wouldn’t be completely worn out before this evening’s date. It was late when I dropped her off last night, and she probably didn’t get to bed right away. I relaxed for a minute and read the word for about half hour and decided I needed to get going. I knew one thing. I wanted to look like a million bucks when I pick her up tonight.
I got dressed and headed to KB’s Men’s Wear and found this awesome black shirt with a cool pocket that had a silver zipper in it. And after I tried it on, it was a definite, “yes”. This is the one. Shows off my muscles, and I look pretty handsome if I do say so myself. I then looked around and pick up a new pair of trousers, some cologne, and a few other items. I went home and made myself some coffee and began to get excited as the clock was nearing 6:00 already. I started thinking about how long I should wait before heading out. I did not want to be late, nor did I want to be too early. As my thoughts were trying to get organized, the phone rang. I picked up my cell without looking at who it was, and I said, “Hello”. On the other end was this sweet smooth lovable voice.
Jimmie Sue: “Hey, Handsome! I thought if you were ready, you could come and get me now.”
Chip: “I am on my way! I should be there in about 15-20 minutes depending on the traffic.”
We hung up, and I still had no idea where I was going to take her. I was hoping she would make some suggestions. The traffic was moderate, and I arrived at her place in about 17 minutes. I went to the door, and she told me to come in and that she would be right with me.
The air was intoxicating with this wonderful fragrance. She came in and gave me a hug, and I told her how great she smelled; and wow, how good she looked. She thanked me with a right back at cha comment on how good I smelled and looked. She asked me about my day, and I told her about my parents calling and my work out and that I went shopping to look my best for my favorite girl.
Jimmie Sue: “And I must say you hit the jackpot! You look like a million bucks!”
In French, she said, “My handsome man.”
Chip: “That was my goal!”
And in French, I said, “I am indeed yours.” while helping her with her coat and sneaking in a kiss on her cheek. I giggled saying, “Let’s skip dinner and get married.”
Jimmie Sue: “Don’t be a tease!”
Chip: “I am not teasing! I would marry you right now, right this minute.”
Jimmie Sue said, “Ok”. With a smile and a wink she said, “Let’s at least have dinner first, I am hungry.”
Chip: “Hey, do you have any idea where you would like to go for dinner. I meant to ask you before we parted last night, but I knew how late it was before I dropped you off.”
Jimmie Sue: “Chip, I would like to go to Texas Roadhouse for a steak, if that is okay with you?”
Chip: “You bet! But you know we will have at least a 45 minute wait at this time of the evening?”
Jimmie Sue: “No problem, I can steal a few kisses while waiting in line.”
I said, “That will suit me just fine.”, as I slipped his arm around her shoulder planted one on her at the first red-light.
Chip: “How did work go today?”
Jimmie Sue: “It was good. Not to busy but just busy enough to make the time go by. So your mom and dad called today?”
Chip: “Yes, of all things, they wanted me to come to Dallas for Christmas, but I told them about you and that we had just met. They thought I was talking about Cindy; and I told them all that transpired since I had last talked with them. And to say the least, they were quite surprised. The call came at a perfect time. After I shared a little and told them I had so much more to share with them about us, they agreed to come this way for Christmas. That is, if I promised to go to Dallas next year for the holidays. I told them I promised and hoped my life would be dramatically different at that time.”
I didn’t want to say what I shared with them, but she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. I told her that Rob was at the gym when I went to work out, and I got to share with him also.
Jimmie Sue: “Well, it sounds like you have had a very busy day.”
Chip: “It was a good busy. Talking with my parents and being able to tell them about you is something I wanted to do. And to say the least, Rob and Beth can hardly wait to meet you. They have been praying for me, as well as my parents, to find the girl meant for me. I mean, they have been praying and agreeing with me for that perfect girl. So they feel like they know you already from what I told them about you, and I want them to hear our story when we can go for a visit. I am hoping that will be soon, but I do not want to overwhelm you. I know all these things will work out in the end; but for now, tonight, I am looking forward to hearing your heart.”
Jimmie Sue: “I am looking forward to telling you. I thought about you all day and those sweet kisses. I even had Jerry commenting and saying, “Hey, don’t hold out on your old dad, tell me what is rolling around in that pretty little head of yours.” Then he would laugh. I told him I was smitten and he said he could tell, snickering as he walked away!”
In that moment I really just wanted to pull the car over and ask her to marry me. But I knew I had to wait on God. But that little girl charm with her straight forward answers pouring forth from her heart like water and yet with such humility, overtook my heart. I whispered a prayer to the Lord in that moment to please not make me wait for a long time to ask her to marry me. I looked into her green eyes as we entered the parking lot of the steakhouse and said to her, “You said that you told Jerry you were smitten?”
Jimmie Sue: “I did, and I am! You swept me off my feet! Am I just making an assumption about us?”
Chip: “Absolutely not. I feel I could fly, if I only had wings. He reached over and kissed her again and shook himself and said, “We better get going so we can get some food in that stomach.”
Jimmie Sue: “Yes, I am hungry, and I am ready for a big fat juicy steak. I love coming here, Chip. This was me and my dad favorite place to eat. When he got so sick from cancer that he lost his appetite, this seemed to be the only place that appealed to him, and the only where I could get a little food in him. We had some wonderful talks here, giving me some great memories to hold on too. He, with his Irish brogue, could make me laugh so hard over things he said. I would tell him I couldn’t have had a better papa then he was. He would get a tear in his eye; and say, “Now, my sweet girl, you mustn’t make me cry.” I miss him so much!!!”
Chip: “I know you do. I can’t imagine losing my parents. We are very close, and they are great parents to me. They have constantly showed me love, even when I messed up. I don’t think I ever remember them coming down on me hard over mistakes I had made. I would get in trouble, but they constantly reinforced our relationship with love and patience. Dad would tell me how he got into his troubles, sharing stories; and I remember how his dad would say “I love you so much and that’s why I have to discipline you. It will keep you straight, and maybe save your life one day.” I never understood that of course until I grew- up and had to stand on my own two feet. I remember many words of wisdom I am hoping to share with my children one day. You do want children, don’t you Jimmie Sue?”
Jimmie Sue: “Yes, I do, and I hope they look like you. I wouldn’t mind having a big family since I have never really had one.”
Chip: “I would love to have a couple boys, and a couple girls just like Robs. Wait until you meet them. They will win your heart over quick as a hick-up.”
Jimmie Sue: “I believe it!”
Entering the Steakhouse, they told us it would be about 40 minutes; and handed us a timer. I asked them if we were to go sit in our car in the parking lot if that would be too far away for it to work, and they said it should be fine. Walking back to the car, we got comfortable and resumed our talk. I want to share with you about what happened when I first met you.
Chip: “Ok, I am more than ready to hear what God shared with you about us.”
Jimmie Sue: “Well, it must have been about 2 months before you came into the restaurant, when I had this vision while in prayer one night. I remembered as I knelt to pray having this feeling like I had this empty spot in my heart. I began to pray about it. I thought maybe I was just feeling anxious because I was getting close to completing my schooling. I was getting ready for bed after I prayed, when these words came up into my mind. They seemed to float right up from my spirit and passed in front of my eyes. It was like they were being typed out on a computer screen. I perked up; rubbed my eyes thinking I was just exhausted and just seeing things, but there they remained. The words said, “He has you in his heart and mind.” I quickly said, “Who? Did you mean I am on your heart and mind? Lord, please explain what this means, and who you are talking about.” I shook my head and, again, told myself I was just exhausted and truly I was. But then the Lord spoke to me audibly. This time, the Lord said “The man I have chosen for you has you on his heart and mind, and I will reveal him to you soon.” By this time, the tears began to flow. I was becoming undone when all of the sudden, a man’s face appeared to me. I believe it was your face, but it wasn’t clear as I see you now. It was somewhat veiled. I could see your dark hair and this sweetness and shine on your face, but that was all I could make out at the time. I dropped onto my bed and sat there in a heap for probably about a half hour in a stupor. Still somewhat undone, I finally spoke to the Lord and said, “Ok, Lord, I am open to what you want.” And immediately I bound the devil from hindering this vision or whatever you call it, and I told him that he was not to have any dealing in this matter at all. Then I told the Lord that if this was Him, it would come to pass. And that I was not going to pursue or look for a man knowing how things have turned out in the past. I committed myself to Him and told Him that I was giving Him the reigns. I knew if it was His plan that He didn’t need me helping Him out. I drifted off to sleep feeling like I was being soothed and floating on a cloud. I don’t want to sound hokey to you, but this is the only way I know how to explain this. The next morning when I woke up, I felt amazingly refreshed, and somehow as if my life just went to a completely new level.
I continued to pray and be open to the Lord to see if there was anything else he wanted to show me in the days that followed; but I would just get this warm feeling that would come over me every time I thought about the vision I saw.
The day you walked into Jerry’s Diner, I felt the same warmth that I felt when my thoughts drifted back to the vision I had and the veiled man I saw in the vision. It was like God pointing at the same time to you, and saying, “This is the man.” I was caught off guard, in a manner of speaking; and, for a few minutes, I lost my skills as a waitress. I hope I didn’t appear weird? Even though I saw you in person and experienced all the same sensations that I experienced in the vision, I was determined not to interfere with what God was working on. But the more you came into the restaurant the more God assured me that you were the one. But He told me to be patient, to be professional, and not to linger too long when taking your order. He said to approach you as if you were just another customer; and, in His timing, things would begin to open up to me and be clearer to me. I was to keep my word that I wasn’t going to try to make things happen. It wasn’t a thing of playing hard to get, but it was a normal approach to you as I did to other customers. But the last couple of weeks, I felt more relaxed as we talked. I guess the real test for me is when I saw Todd sitting there in the booth with you. I wanted to run into your arms and shout, “Save Me”; and another shocker was when I realized you both knew one another. In fact, my first reaction at the sight of him sitting with you in that booth was to reach over and slap him silly because I didn’t trust him. I am sure I had this wry look on my face that you didn’t understand. I was concerned he would say something to you about the few dates we had and afraid he would make it sound like we had something going. That is why I addressed you the way I did by calling you good looking: and why I asked you to stay so we could finish our conversation. I couldn’t help saying those words. They just fell out of my mouth. I was praying you didn’t think I was getting fresh with you when I addressed you that way in front of Todd. I also ask the Lord to forgive me if I crossed the line in getting in His way, but I just panicked at that moment. It sent me over the edge.
I wouldn’t have blamed you if you would have become frustrated with the whole scene and marched out. For that, I thank you. I realized right then and there, because of the vision I had and how I was beginning to feel about you, I wasn’t willing to lose you, especially over Todd.”
Chip: “Jimmie Sue, I want you to know, when Todd expressed his desire to get a date with you and how he talked about you, I immediately said to myself, “Over my dead body you will.” I wasn’t going to let go of you. I knew God had given you to me, even though I knew it had to be an act of your will to allow me into your life. I may have appeared calm on the outside but my insides were raging. I had to calm myself. I knew I had to trust God with what he had told me about you. When you spoke up and called me good looking, my fears of losing you melted away. I was already sizing him up to all the fleshly reasons you might feel he was more suited for you. I knew he made better money than I did. He was handsome; and on top of all of that, he had already been there before me. So when you called me handsome, I was relieved and thrilled when you made that remark. It caused Todd to want to make a quick exit after that. Thank the Lord!”
Jimmie Sue: “Believe me; I was just as thrilled as you when he left”, she said as she reached over and took my face in her hands and assured me that she was mine.
It was just a minute later when our restaurant device lit up and summoned us to our table. We walked into the Steakhouse hand in hand. We ordered our dinner and continued to hold hands as we set across from each other. We laughed and talked over our meal about so many things. It was hard to believe it was midnight already.
Chip: “Are you tired and ready to go home and rest?”
Jimmie Sue: “I suppose, but I really hate for this evening to end.”
Chip: “Are you going to attend church services tomorrow?”
Jimmie Sue: “Yes, I am going to go with you if you would like me too?”
Chip: “Are you kidding me, I would love to take my girl to church with me. I would be proud to have you sit beside me. I want so many people to meet you, especially Rob, Beth, and another two of my favorite girls. Now don’t get jealous if they want me to themselves for a bit.”
Jimmie Sue laughed with a twinkle in her eye, “I guess I’ll make an exception and share you for a short time, which I am sure I won’t have any choice in the matter.”
I walked her to the door of her apartment and had a hard time letting her leave me. I held her in a warm embrace and kissed her goodnight. I felt electricity go from her heart to mine. She jumped back, and said, “Did you feel that?” “Yes, yes I did”, I replied. She described exactly what I felt. She grabbed me and said, “Kiss me again.” I did so with the same results. She looked at me with her big dreamy green eyes and said, “Wow! I guess it is true what some have said in the past when describing some relationships. They said it was like fireworks, electricity; an unmistakable connection. I thought they were crazy, but I see they weren’t. I want more!”
Chip: “Me too Jimmie Sue, so marry me!!!”
Jimmie Sue: “I will! I will marry you.”
After that we just stood there in one spot and melted into one another.
Chip: “I can’t let go; you let go. I want to stay here forever. Can I tell everyone that you said yes, that you will marry me? Oh, but maybe I should put a ring on that finger first.”
Jimmie Sue: “It doesn’t matter to me because the Lord has already put a supernatural ring on it.”
We laughed and agreed that He truly has put not only a supernatural ring on her finger, but a supernatural ring around our relationship.