How Big Is God?

He is The Fire, The Blood, and The Word

How big is God you ask?  Where is He?  Can He deliver us from the onslaughts of the enemy?  Does it seem like He is asleep, while the world taking over?  Is He sitting, tapping His fingers on the table, saying to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, “I am just out of ideas, and there are no solutions.”?

Well I heard a minister years ago, say He is so big you can’t get around Him, you can’t go under Him, you can’t go over Him, and you surely can’t go through Him.  He fills the whole heavens and the earth with Himself.  I assure you He is fully awake and knows and sees all things.  After all, He said there’s not even a hair that falls from your head that He doesn’t take an account of.  He made man in His likeness and in His image.  Believe me if you think He is weak and insignificant and doesn’t know what is going on, you’re quite mistaken.

The real truth is God’s waiting on His sons and daughters to rise up, take their place, and operate in the authority He told us we have.

I know we have a president and those he has placed in office with him that are transforming America into something foreign to us and pushing his agenda.  Saying we can’t pray in public places in the Name of Jesus, or have a display of the Ten Commandments.  If we do, we could offend those with other gods.  Really!  Maybe we should revisit the book of Exodus chapters 7-12 again, when God sent Moses to Pharaoh.  Oh, I know Pharaoh was considered a god, and his magicians with their enchantments also mimic some of the same things God did through Moses.  But after about the third judgement, they failed to do the same thing.  Besides, they were just adding to what God did through Moses.  They had no power to take it away.  There is only one true God, my brothers and sisters. But this is the fight isn’t it? Their gods and hosts against the one true God and the saints.  Are we going to do what the disciples did, or are we going to bow to this antichrist spirit?  Or are we going to rise up with courage and point our finger at the devil and tell him, “Enough!”?

That’s the kind of men and women He is waiting for; those with grit and full of the word, filled with the Holy Ghost and fire. He wants those who have been washed in the blood of Jesus to lift their hands toward heaven, and swear to the God of all the earth that He is bigger and mightier than any other God. He wants to give them a new song to sing, a song of victory, even though it looks like there is no victory in sight.  He is looking for people and preachers who are not afraid to obey Him.  Are you up to it?  Are you looking for a fight?  Preachers, are you going to stop just feeding your flock with messages on giving?  You know the same message preached over and over every Sunday.  “If you sow a seed you’ll be blessed.”  Or the old cold left over messages of compromise that fail to impart any true life or excitement?  Don’t you think that you should really start preparing your flock for the days to come?  Isn’t it obvious to you that they are sound asleep from boredom?  You might want to send for a copy of the vision I had on February 8, 2014.

In this vision God showed me things that were coming upon the earth.  I beheld congregations of people angrily pointing their fingers accusing their pastors, saying “we’ve heard about your building plans, and your programs over and over, but you never prepared us for what was coming.” It was very sad, and many pastors due to being embarrassed, bowed their heads in shame and walked out on them. Are we going to let things go that far? God warns us because He loves us.  It doesn’t mean we have to stand by and let it happen. We are to be true ambassadors of the kingdom. Pastors don’t be afraid.  Don’t you know your congregations are waiting on you to get some real backbone and proclaim the gospel that will set them on fire:  Is there such a thing as holding the truth of God’s word in unrighteousness? You say what do you mean? I mean if you are a true pastor God will always show you what the sheep need, but you fail to deliver because there are those that want to run the church with their big fat offerings. Did I say that plain enough? If that is all you are there for, then for heaven’s sake step down and let that one in your congregation that is eaten up with God’s zeal take the work over. Even if he makes a boat load of mistakes, the people will see his earnest heart and pray him through. I would hate to hear that you did nothing to change, and end up with an angry finger-pointing congregation facing off with you. I am just saying!!!

If we are going to be true ambassadors that represent the kingdom of God, let’s do it right, not half heartily. Religiously spouting words that have no power must come to an end. You know those messages of condemnation with no real substance that is driving people straight out the door. We must preach messages of courage, and share the great victories that King David, Caleb, and Joshua had. You say that is the Old Testament? Yes, but have you noticed it is attached to the New Testament? If you are studious in the Bible, you’ll see that many things that were written in the old were repeated in the new. Furthermore, if you want to see how God brought about real victories from the beginning to the end, study about David, Gideon, Moses, and Joshua. But if you are hung up because God forbid it’s the Old Testament, then study the Book of Acts and the life of Peter and Paul. The real question still remains: Are we going to be true dedicated vessels like they were? I don’t know about you, but I want to have those kinds of results. I want to be on the winning side.

Peter and the disciples said that regardless of what men say we will speak the Name of Jesus.  They went about speaking the word of God boldly.  They also performed miracles and obeyed the Holy Spirit, even if it meant spending some time in jail. They were true disciples; and, believe me they spent much time in the presence of God, constantly waiting on the Him in the word and prayer.  These men didn’t just eat a cold snack of the word of God, make ten confessions, and pray prayers that were short and meaningless as they flew out the door.  No, they studied and poured over the scriptures until they were lit up like a lamp.

Oh! I get it. Some are still saying that those times were different.  They knew Jesus personally.  Surely we are not still saying that? Did He not say, “When I go away, I’ll send the Holy Spirit to you.  He will take my place and He will speak to you the things I tell Him to say?”

Jesus died to make us new creatures in Him; we have His very own life in us, and can receive the fullness of that life. It’s a tangible life that can flow out of you to others like a river; Remember, Jesus said if you believe in me, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.  You say, “But sister, they are not living in the times we are.”  Really! They had to stand against the same devils that were trying to stamp out Jesus’ name and discredit every miracle and word, just like now.  No my brothers and sisters, they were living in times like we are living in today. But they turned the world inside out and upside down, like we should be doing.  Is this happening?  Why?  It was a sad day when I heard a guest on one news broadcast say, “Where are the Christians?”  Shame on us!  You say, “What should we do too get on track?”  Well I’m glad you asked.

The church needs only to repent and ask God to renew her vision. The vision of a glorious and powerful church that knows they are to rule and reign in this life through Jesus Christ: Because if we think for a minute that Jesus is going to present a Bride to the Father that is weak, sickly and powerless, think again!  He said she would be spotless, without blemish, washed in the blood, clothed with the robe of righteousness.  Is this the picture or image the church looks like today?  What do you think about it?  Is my assessment all wrong?  Am I just being narrow minded or out in left field?

So I ask you, will you join me and muster all the strength and faith we can, dig in our heels, and give God everything we got?  You say, “What can I do?”  Really! You know that ship has already sailed.  Remember, Jesus called fishermen to carry out His ministry here on the earth.  They were just out throwing their nets into the water when Jesus said, “Come, and I will make you fishers of men.”  Did they heed the call?  Yes!  How about us?  Are we ready to get our eyes on Jesus and the word instead of all the bad news we are listening too?  Are we going to start prophesying over the dry bones, or are we going to remain paralyzed with so much fear that we can’t even get moving?

Let’s get busy, fill up on the word, and gather our family and friends into our homes for prayer and study of God’s word.  Let’s stop listening to all the bad news and change our confession from “I can’t” too “I can”.  Do everything you can to wake up out of this sleep before it’s too late. Paul said in Ephesians 5:14-17, “Wherefore, thou that sleepest, arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light.  See then that you walk circumspectly (cautiously) not as fools, but wise, redeeming the time, for the days are evil: Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the Will of God is.”  You say, “I thought God was responsible for coming down and tapping me on the shoulder and telling me what to do.” I can’t believe you said that, because He has more than equipped us to get the job done; and if we are studious of the word, you will remember that he said we are to be doers of the word and not hearers only.  If we read the word, we will see that when we trust Him completely, He will take care of us.  Do you think He is less than our earthly father in respect of taking care of his children?  No, He can do far greater.  He has unlimited love and resources. Not only that, in respect to His word, He said His answer is always yes and amen to the glory of God by us.

I know some have lost jobs due to our government’s wonderful plans that they keep saying are working.  But the truth is we know we can’t depend on our government or the world for answers.  The Lord said we were not to lean on the arm of flesh, but on Him. If we would just start taking Him at His word, and reverencing Him like our true Father, He will not only deliver us but run to our rescue. How did Jesus treat the Father?

For instances; it was pretty bleak in His day on the earth.  He could have looked at the circumstances and the 70 disciples that had walked away from Him in one day, and said, “You know boys, I know what my mission is, but it looks bad.  I am not going to continue.  I am just going to sit here and wait for the final days.”  Did He do that?  No, He had the same vision His Father had, to have a family and to eventually restore everything back to its original and glorious purpose.  He fully embraced that vision and totally resigned Himself to what His Father wanted.  Jesus saw everything done through the eye of faith.  Isn’t that what He told us to do?  Can we see with the eye of faith?  Of course we can!  He even said we would do greater works then He did because He had to go to the Father.  His earthly mission had come to an end, but did He stop? Has the work ceased? No! He is now, by the Holy Spirit, directing us to finish the job and come on home to the Father’s house. Can we stir ourselves up even though it looks like all is lost? With the Lord it is never too late my brother and sisters. He never loses sight of His vision or His blood bought church.

I think it goes without saying that it is going to take a new breed of warriors. Those who will lead, won’t back up, and will meet the challenges head on.  It will take those who are fervent in the word and prayer, and, like Jesus, tuned in and connected. They will be those who get out in front who are fearless and without comprise. Are you one of those?  Is God dealing with you? Is there something deep inside of you that keeps trying to get to the surface every time you pray?  Regardless, we all have something we can do. Will you join me in bringing Jesus back to a glorious church? I know you can do It! Praise God!!!!

Next: What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?

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